Westview Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

February 28, 2001

As approved April 25, 2001

Present: Toby Byrd, Sandy Woordruff, Suli Scherh, Jackie Byrd, Fred Bauer

Visitor: Ron Sanders, Dave Conn, Elliot Hair, Erlick Hair, Vanessa Chandler

The meeting was called to order at 7:45.

The minutes of the December 6, 2000 meeting and the emergency meeting held February 7, 2001 minutes were approved as submitted.

Treasurers Report

There wasn’t a treasurer’s report prepared for the meeting.

New Business

Sandy Woodruff received a contract from Jake Piper in the amount of $6,650.00 for the 2001 year. The contract was accepted as submitted.

It was agreed that Sandy Woodruff would contact TLC to start-up the sprinkler

Old Business

Elliot Hair and Erlick Hair of H&E Management Associates, Ltd were at the meeting to give a presentation and answer questions concerning their company and property management issues related to the management of Westview Homeowners Association. The presentation noted that H&E Management Associated, Ltd is a certified management company that has been in service for twenty years serving Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Elliot Hair mentioned that they were contacted by Ms. Ellen Livingston to discuss them managing the Architectural Control issues which are currently being handled by the Homeowners Association. He also stated that it would be necessary for the Board to provide H&E with a detailed list of exactly what it is they want the company to handle. Some of the functions that the organization would provide would be as follows: Inspection of the properties, send letters to homeowners when necessary and provide the Board with a monthly written report on the findings of the inspections and results of letters mailed if any. They would also contact the necessary contractor to repair any infractions if this feature is included in the contract. The cost of the service without financial duties is $5.75 per unit and $7.50 - $8.25 with a financial aspect, per month. The financial aspect would include receiving the homeowner dues and taking on the responsibilities of the Treasurer. This aspect would include a monthly report on the dues paid and not paid, delinquency notices being mailed directly to the delinquent homeowners as well as take over the responsibility of the post office box.

The Board thanked Mr. Elliot Hair and Mr. Erlick Hair for coming and informed them they would be getting in contact with them at a later date.

Ron Sanders asked if hiring a management company was really necessary and if there were any major infractions. Sandy Woodruff responded by stating there have been some changes to the properties in the communities. She also mentioned that it is a sensitive issue to have to deal with your neighbors on these sort of issues and that it is too much responsibility for any one person.

Ron suggested that a six months escape clause should be included in the contract so that if the Board notices that this is not going to work they can get out of the contract.

Toby Byrd replied by stating that if the Board doesn’t notice changes they will terminate the contract.

Jackie Byrd stated that it is hard to get volunteers for Board positions and that she thinks the board should proceed with hiring the management company.

Sandy Woodruff mentioned that she didn’t want to pay $200.00 for homeowner fees but she is tired of doing the extra duties. It was agreed that the increase would only be by $75.00.

A motion was raised by Sandy Woodruff to send two letters. The motion was second and approved.

Toby suggested that there be a meeting in March concerning these issues.

Sandy Woodruff raised a motion to go with H&E Management for the architectural proposals.

The motion was second by Suli Scherh. There was one opposing vote and three additional votes for the motion.

The budget changes should reflect the additional dues of $150.00 x 139 = 20,850 and an additional line item for operating cost and bookkeeping, of $1,705. Also attach a copy of the written agreement with the management company.

It was agreed that Toby would send the budget and cover letters explaining the increase to the homeowner dues. The hard copies are to go to Ellen Livingston to be distributed to the homeowners.

A motion was raised to accept the proposed revised budget. The motion was second and approved.

Fred Bauer is going to update the website with the new figures.

Architectural Review

The Watkins are requesting approval for vinyl siding at 5430 Lakeford.

It was decided that a sample of the siding was needed to insure that the color was the same as the original

The next meeting will be April 25th.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40.